So, my sister and I have this game we play. Every time we FaceTime each other, we have a contest of who has the most chins or ugliest face when the other one answers. I usually win, if we’re gonna be honest.
And as I was playing with my son tonight, I found myself making “silly faces” at him, resulting in him cracking up.
But as I was contorting my face into all kinds of horrific, it occurred to me that maybe that is not something to be super proud of….
Like. When most people are told to make a silly face for the camera, they do this:
And then there’s me…
And lets not forget this gem from my college years.. my infamous rendition of “Chet,” a simple lumberjack who is just really excited about the all-you-can-eat buffet.
I think I’m basically Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls in that scene where she actually dresses up as a terrifying zombie ex-wife, missing the memo that Halloween was an excuse to dress skanky. I definitely missed a memo somewhere.
Why am I sharing this information? Why am I admitting to the fact that I can contort my face into such hideousness I could make children cry if I wanted to?
Mostly cause it’s late. And I should be sleeping.
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