I never wanted to be “that” mom. I grew up with a very health-conscious mom. She was crunchy before it was trendy, and home-schooled my sister and I before it was culturally acceptable. She made us drink these nasty green drinks that literally tasted like vomit, she put tofu and spinach in lasagna, she never…
Author: emccann91
One Stuffy Nose
It’s 4pm. I just got out of the shower and got dressed and did my make-up. It’s almost dinner time, and I’m just now ready for the day. I pawned the kids off on screens so I could go shower and feel human. Today has just been about playing catch-up from a sleepless night with…
“Mom, Why Do We Do Schoolwork?”
Today was our first “official” day of homeschool for the school year. In my head I had pictured an elaborate breakfast laid out for my children (although their hunger to LEARN would take precedence over the organic, homemade muffins I’d crafted with love). We’d start our day with a devotional, the pledge of allegiance, and…
“Do You Still Love Me?”
I was thoroughly humbled today. By my 4 year old. We all woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Everyone was fighting, irritating each other, or otherwise causing chaos. After hours of the kids just being ridiculous, I hid in my bathroom for a few minutes of doom scrolling to keep…
When I Can’t
Today was rough. By 10am I had already yelled more than I care to admit. Amy had already exerted all the strength her 42 pound two-year-old self could muster against me as I tried to get her into her carseat, then once she realized we were going to the gym she lost her ever-loving crap….
Motherhood Is _______
So, a couple months ago I released my first album, Motherhood Is. And then motherhood took over, so I have done a crappy job at promoting the album. I have these fantasies where I’m like a social media expert and am all up on instagram and facebook and my blog and keeping up with it…
Songs For Moms
So did I mention my first legit album was released?! I write songs about what I’m going through as a way to cope. So naturally, the past few years I’ve written about motherhood. I feel like I’ve summarized motherhood pretty thoroughly in these songs, and I hope that mothers everywhere can relate with the messages…
So, I Stopped SSRI’S
Yep. After 8 or so years of taking various antidepressants, I got tired of the trial and error of it all. I got tired of being told to just “up the dosage” or “add Wellbutrin” or just “give it time.” So after consulting my doctor, he gave me the go-ahead. I was on Prozac and…
Dangerous Questions
[This post was originally written several months ago. But I finally logged into my website after ignoring it for months and found this draft and it made me laugh. So here it is.] Yesterday [a few months ago] I asked Mark a dangerous question. “Does my hair look ok, Mark?” I’m in this weird in-between…
Listening to the Wrong Voices
A friend of mine randomly told me she had been thinking about my “music career.” Which was funny to me, because I don’t really have one. But nonetheless, she told me that she had been thinking about me and my music and told me I should post more cover songs and try to collaborate with…